Project: Main project for Tähetorni intersection on national road No 8 (Tallinn-Paldiski, at 11.3 km)

Contracting entity: Road Administration

The objective of this project was to improve road safety and, for that reason, the dangerous intersection of Tähetorni street and Tammi tee on national road No 8 (Tallinn-Paldiski) was reconstructed into a channelled intersection with traffic lights together with the reconstruction of lighting. The length of the designed road section was 750 m.

The process of preparing the main project for the alteration of Tähetorni intersection was intense, because it had to be coordinated with the city of Tallinn as well as the rural municipalities of Harku and Saue, and we had to find a solution that was suitable for all involved. Everyone had their own wishes and, after all, it was a main road with traffic lights.